Board of Directors
Our Board currently consists of seven Directors, of which there are two executive Directors, two non-executive Directors and three independent non-executive Directors.

Mr. Ma Shengcong
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director
Dr. Wu Xianyi
Non-executive Director
Dr. Zeng Jianhua
Independent non-executive director
Miss. Zhang Ying
Executive Director
Mr. Qian Jianguang
Independent non-executive director
Mr. Ling Sheng Shyan
Non-executive Director
Mr. Yang Junhui
Independent non-executive director

Board Committees
To assist the Board in fulfilling its duties, Board Committees are formed to oversee specific aspects of company affairs. At the moment, we have three committees: the Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee.
Audit Committee
We have established an audit committee in compliance with Rule 3.21 of the Listing Rules on 11th March 2020. Our Audit Committee currently consists of three members, namely Mr. Yang Junhui (Chairman), Mr Qian Jianguang and Dr. Zeng Jianhua. The primary duties of our Audit Committee are to assist our Board in providing an independent view of the effectiveness of our financial reporting process, internal control and risk management system, overseeing the audit process and performing other duties and responsibilities as assigned by our Board.

Nomination Committee
We established our Nomination Committee in compliance with the Corporate Governance Code on 11th March 2020. Our Nomination Committee currently consists of four members, namely Mr. Ma Shengcong (Chairman), Mr. Qian Jianguang, Dr. Zeng Jianhua and Mr. Yang Junhui. The primary duties of our Nomination Committee are to make recommendations to our Board on the appointment of our Directors and members of our senior management.
Remuneration Committee
We established our Remuneration Committee in compliance with Rule 3.25 of the Listing Rules on 11th March 2020. Our Remuneration Committee currently consists of four members, namely Mr Yang Junhui (Chairman), Mr. Ma Shengcong, Dr. Zeng Jianhua and Mr. Qian Jianguang. The primary duties of our Remuneration Committee are to evaluate the performance of our Directors and senior management and determine the remuneration package of our Directors and members of our senior management.